
    Sara Walker: Physics of Life, Time, Complexity, and Aliens | Lex Fridman Podcast #433

    Vitalism vs. Materialism

    There's a seed of truth in every narrative humans have been telling themselves for thousands of years.


    Defining Life

    Defining life is really hard because it seems like we have a bunch of different definitions that don't actually work.


    Consciousness and Life

    Consciousness precedes life or life precedes Consciousness, and we can't assume that one is fundamental to the other. Understanding the relationship between Consciousness and life will help us disentangle the mystery.


    Chemical Evolution

    Chemistry is the first thing the universe builds, where it cannot exhaust all the possibilities.


    Living Objects

    Living objects are huge, some of the biggest structures in the universe, but they are not big in space, they are big in time. We actually can't resolve that feature, we don't interact with it on a regular basis.



    The technosphere is the largest object in the universe that we know about. It's the global integration of life and technology on this planet. It's like a gigantic object that contains all the information about the history of an entity that you see now.


    Lineages of Life

    Life is not just individual, it's a lineage of form. It's a process of forming and creating itself. It's a type of construction that is both abstract and concrete at the same time. We are built from a history of existence.


    Life and the Universe

    Life can be thought of as a global-scale organization, and technology can be seen as a global-scale organization. The universe is likely to be alive in the sense that it generates and sustains life. The concept of life is often assumed to be solely anthropocentric, whereas in reality, it is a fundamental aspect of the universe.


    The Fundamentals of Life

    Fundamental things are often thought of as the smallest indivisible units of matter, but this perspective is limited by technological capabilities. A better understanding of the fundamental nature of life can be gained by focusing on the mechanism of life, rather than the physical components.


    The Origin of Life

    The origin of life is likely to involve the emergence of self-replicating structures, which can evolve and adapt to their environment. The origin of life is often thought to involve a chemical reaction, but it is unclear what the exact mechanisms are.


    Origin of Life

    The origin of life is such a big and still somewhat mysterious topic. I don't think we really know what it is. I do know some people who think that the origin of life is just a complex chemical reaction in the beginning of the universe.


    Autocatalytic Feedback

    Self-reinforcing objects are really interesting and that's exactly what life uses to continue existing.



    Chirality is a hard concept in chemistry. But even in the beginning, when molecules were really simple, it seems that chirality was always around.


    Inventions of Life

    From the origin of life to DNA, the hereditary material that encodes genetic instructions, ... photosynthesis, ... complex cells, sex, movement, and the concept of programmed cell death are all inventions.


    Assembly Theory

    Assembly Theory is a way of thinking about the universe that says that everything that exists is the result of a long, recursive process of self-assembly.


    The Origins of Life

    Lee thinks that the origin of life is not a sudden event, but a gradual process that has been happening for billions of years.


    Randomness in the Universe

    The universe is random at its base, and then deterministic structures emerge by things that can causally reinforce themselves and maintain persistence over time.


    The Power of Language

    Language is like a tool that can be used to describe complexity, but it's also limiting because it's based on a set of words and meanings that are constantly evolving.


    Compression Mechanism

    The speaker discusses the compression mechanism of language and how it affects the interpretation of tweets.


    Compression and Expansion

    The speaker discusses the concepts of compression and expansion in the context of the universe and life.


    Virtualized Reality

    The speaker explores the concept of virtualized reality and its implications for our understanding of the universe and our place in it.


    Origin of Life

    The speaker discusses the origin of life and its implications for the search for extraterrestrial life.


    The Great Perceptual Filter

    The speaker discusses the concept of the great perceptual filter, which is the idea that advanced civilizations self-destruct before they are able to communicate with others.


    Combining Fashion and Physics

    Playing with fashion and physics is a way to combine two things that are not typically combined.


    Beauty and Function

    Beauty is not just about aesthetics, but also about function and social dynamics.


    The Computation of Language

    Language is not just a form of communication, but also a computation.


    Computational Power of Life

    The ability to recognize that there is a lot that's happening behind language is really important. One of the great things about the existential trauma of large language models is the recognition that language is not the only thing required.


    The Problem of Life

    The question is not what makes life tick, the question is what is life?


    The Problem of Consciousness

    What is consciousness? Is it just the sum of the activities of neurons in the brain or is it something more?


    The Nature of Intelligence

    I think intelligence is not the only thing that's interesting about human beings, it's also the thing that makes us human.


    Life as a Temporally Extended Object

    Life is a temporally extended object; it is a manifestation of the structure of our minds, and our experience of time is a reflection of that structure.


    Large Language Models and Collective Intelligence

    Large language models are like crystallizations of human language in a computer, and they hold the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with each other and the world around us.


    The Hard Problem of Consciousness

    We're not really good at understanding when we're the same or when we're part of an integrated system that's actually functioning together in some kind of cohesive way...


    Energy and Life

    We're living in a universe where... it's a resource that's getting generated but it has a size... death is a way to make room in the universe for other things to exist that wouldn't be able to exist otherwise...


    The Book of the Universe

    It's not that I believe in infinities but I think the size of the book is growing... we're writing a book about the universe, and it's a finite book...


    Determinism and Free Will

    When we talk about quantum experiments, we live in a fuzzy, random space. But as we start building structures that are deterministic, we evolve into a very deterministic microscopic and macroscopic object. We can look down on a universe without time, and we can see all these possibilities, but they're not possible for us because we're constrained by our causal, structural history.


    Randomness and Novelty

    There's a little bit of randomness because the universe is getting bigger, and this idea that the past is in the present is not large enough yet to contain the future. Some parts outside of our giant causal structures are random.


    Philosophy of Life and Existence

    I think the nature of existence is really hard. Understanding life will help us understand existence. Maybe understanding the nature of turtles will help us kind of march down even if we don't have the experimental methodology of reaching before the bang.


    Math and Physics

    I think mathematical things are here on this planet. I don't think it makes sense to talk about things that exist outside of the universe. Everything I can talk about is telling me something about the structure of where I actually live.


    The Purpose of Life

    My greatest wish in life is to somehow contribute to an idea that transforms the way that we think. I love the way that it makes me feel and then you have to try to convert the feelings into visuals and words.
