I can recall quite vividly seeing cane grubs early in the morning... So something had to be done to control the grub of all possible and of course the farmers never let up on their demands on the sugar experiment station staff to do something about it.
The eggs stay in the water and then they start dividing and eventually they start looking like small tadpoles within the egg sac... They move onto the land as small toads.
You can't walk around Cairns without finding a cane toad somewhere... They're harmless and nobody's got any right to fear about them.
Well as a matter of fact there are some people up here that would like the cane toad recognized for what it has done for Queensland particularly... It was going to be a cane-toad bust of around about a meter in height sitting on a two two foot pedestal.
When a cane toad is stressed, threatened, or wounded, it can secrete a toxic substance from its parotoid glands.
The introduction of cane toads to Australia has had a devastating impact on the ecosystem, causing the decline of many native species.
Cane toads are prolific breeders, producing up to 30,000 eggs per year, and can reproduce for up to 16 years.