When we take decisions the very first information has tremendous effect on our brain for instance I want to sell you a car and you are interested to buy it let's say you ask me what the prices and I tell you thirty thousand dollars now if you come back a week later and I say i'll sell it to you for twenty thousand dollars this seems like a new very cheap price to you right because your judgment is based on the initial information you got
People overestimate the importance of information that they have let me give you an example here some people think that terrorism is the biggest threat to the United States because that's what they see on TV the news always talks about it and because of that it inflates the danger but if you look at the real perspectives televisions cause 55 times more deaths than terrorism
We tend to listen to information that confirms what we already know or even interpret the information that we receive in a way that confirms the current information that we already have
This is the decision or rather subconscious decision to ignore the negative information it may also be an indication we only want to consider the positive aspects of something
We tend to judge the efficacy of a decision based primarily on how things turn out after a decision is made we rarely examine the conditions that existed at the time of the decision choosing instead to evaluate performance solely or mostly on whether the end result was positive or not
This bias is when you are judging something based on the surviving information let me give you an example here there are a lot of articles titled five things millionaires do every morning does that mean doing those things every morning will make you a millionaire no
Selective perception is a form of bias that causes people to perceive messages and actions according to their frame of reference using selective perception people tend to overlook and forget that contradicts our beliefs or expectations