
    Imagination Is Not A State - Edward Art (Neville Goddard Inspired)

    The distinction between state and inner self

    Understanding that you're not the state means you're not the reactions you're having, and you're not those thoughts anyways. They're simply mirrors reflecting you, that you aren't. The acceptance of this allows you to be able to be freed in imagination enough to where you can move in between them.


    The illusion of lack

    The inner self does have the thing it wants, and you associate yourself with that being and that being is not a state that being has thoughts and feelings and those are its reflections if you will.


    Detachment from thoughts and feelings

    Leave the thoughts alone, leave the feelings alone, and just change the conception of yourself.


    The power of imagination

    You are really the one who dictates in this world, and that's how it is in any dream, anytime you wake up inside of a dream you're the one who dictates it all you orchestrate it through your self-concept.


    Detaching from emotions

    When you move states and you start to feel yourself to be different, don't wonder if you actually left the old one, don't wonder if you are now this you don't wonder anything you just experience being it.
