We have seen a non-stop barrage of comments and a media campaign to instill fear into our immigrant communities and this is probably one thing that we've all heard quite a bit is that the administration is going to launch the quote unquote largest deportation program in American history.
The Department of Homeland Security has three key players: US Citizenship and Immigration Services, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Customs and Border Protection.
The military is not supposed to enforce immigration law, but they can provide support to immigration enforcement agencies in certain circumstances.
People can be placed in removal proceedings for a variety of reasons, including certain criminal offenses, overstaying a visa, or staying outside the United States for too long.
are prepared um and there is 1053.679 no appointed attorney in Immigration 1056.88 Court you have a right to an attorney 1058.96 meaning you have a right to bring your 1060.76 own attorney okay but in the criminal 1064.6 court you are appointed one if you can't 1067.24 afford one and the government appoints 1069.28 one to you that is not something that 1070.919 exists in Immigration Court because 1072.32 Immigration Court is considered civil 1074.559 court
we're learning um and we've learned um that um undocumented individuals with criminal activity 1137.88 charges or 1139.24 record um you know they are going to be as as um I mentioned in the previous 1143.919 slide going to be um sort of the easiest 1147.799 folks for immigration enforcement to 1150.08 find okay
the concept of expedited removal and that's um basically just expedited 1394.799 meaning Removal really quick deportation 1396.6 very very quickly okay um and we're 1399.36 going back to having that uh rule 1401.6 expanded okay
the US Constitution okay everyone in the United States no matter what their immigration status is just like the assembly member said um has rights under the Constitution okay
it has to be signed by a judge it has to give the named law enforcement official the Constitutional authority to do whatever it is that this order says and this one 2031.919 is an arrest warrant okay
um if you are outside your home that's different um there no warrant is required because your expectation of privacy is different this matter is in the Constitutional context okay if you are outside your home um couple of things to think about um you know have um valid ID on you here show valid immigration documents if you have't could your green card um if you have a work permit that is tied to a v uh a Visa a current one not an expired one um you know uh we'd recommend that you actually have those on your person um again no warrant is needed for ice to arrest you outside your home um if you are arrested by ice on the street like like we said you have the right to remain silent you just have to tell them that you are exercising your right to remain silent or show them the red card so that you can assert your rights in that way
um do make a family preparedness plan um you know create some steps to prepare your family including Child Care issues in the event of ice contact again this is not necessarily something that will for sure happen but it will help to have a plan right at the very least it'll help um you know alleviate anxiety around um what is going to happen for example with your children right and so here I linked the immigration legal resource center um really great um organization um we utilize them a lot um in terms of their trainings for immigration attorneys and they have a lot of really good Community documents
Gather and make copies of all immigration documents and store them collect them in a folder keep it in a safe place with a family member or someone you trust um just so that you can make sure you can find these documents immediately if you need them okay we would highly recommend Gathering proof that you have resided in the United States for over two years keep that in your folder um make copies of it um so that you can get you know grab it if you need to very very quickly okay
uh these are um the uh versions of the red card here that are in different languages usually one side is English that's the side that you probably probably show the the immigration officer and one site is in a a language that you understand so you know exactly what you're saying to the immigration officer um you know uh there are some you know these are things that the immigration legal resource center and eclu produces but you can also print them out on your own if you want if you don't want to wait for something to come in the mail if you can't make it to assembly member uh Fong's office um to pick one up or at an event you can print one out and put it in your wallet yourself okay
um so you know we're just now we're kind of in the resource section um of the presentation uh we have some uh AJ soel uh we have some um shared resources on know your rights um we are preparing to have them on the website in terms of a live video but there's a lot of things that you can download and print these are um you know materials that you can you know if you yourself are hoping to provide this information to your family to your class if you are a parent that is on the PTA and you want to do a presentation for your you know class your the families in your third grade class for example um you can use these U materials um and um you know translate or make them suit the needs for you know the group of people that you want to provide this information to
we would recommend against inter like getting yourself in the middle of um what is happening right because then you yourself can be a Target um um unless you you know unless you are comfortable with being targeted right um especially with US citizen privilege right um I you know I would uh probably engage in um documenting what is happening
AJ soel is a part of uh uh multiple networks uh including the Los Angeles rapid response Network as well as the Orange County rapid response Network um which are identifying and they send out First Responders out um to different locations um when they hear about um you know ice being located in a particular area
what's been working a lot is community members knowing that they can immediately document if they see ice start either videotaping you start like a assembly member uh Fong said you know letting folks letting your neighbors know uh who's in the neighborhood um you know in terms of enforcement um definitely uh contacting um uh what I don't have on here is the um um the raise the rapid response uh phone numbers and hotlines which do exist
the second question is what are you hearing is happening to the US citizen children of people who are detained by ice and so this is where having a uh preparedness plan for your family is going to be extremely important and having um the phone number of the individuals who are The Trusted individuals um who will be helping in in any event um that I engages in apprehension um of a family member
can law enforcement agencies like ICC or others go to schools like K12 College universities um uh en rolled students to their schools to take them from school or on parking lots of schools and how will parents know that their child or loved one has been taken
the person should show up on um an ice locator um which is online um a detaining locator just some time for that person to show up there so for a little while sometimes folks just don't really know where the family member is or where they've been held