
    Let's compare PRESENT VERB TENSES in ENGLISH Simple / Progressive / Perfect / Perfect Progressive

    Present Verb Tenses

    I eat I'm eating I have eaten I have been eating what's the difference hello and welcome to English speaking 360 today I will be giving you sets of four sentences one sentence from each of the present verb tenses and we are going to compare the meaning


    Present Simple and Habitual Action

    I eat breakfast at the simple present is a habitual action a habitual action means that something is happening many many times so it has become a habit


    Present Progressive and Ongoing Action

    I’m eating breakfast that is something that is happening right now like this I have been eating breakfast the present perfect progressive is a repeated ongo going action like a new habit


    Present Perfect and Past Action with Present Result

    I have eaten breakfast okay this one is more challenging past action like this with a present result so an action in the past has some kind of effect in the present


    Present Perfect Progressive and Ongoing Action with Focus on Active Participation

    he has been playing soccer for the past 2 hours this one is an ongoing action up to the present so the action started in the past it started 2 hours ago and it's still happening right now


    Present Perfect and Habitual Action

    she works on her car whenever she has time she's working on her car these days she has worked on her car and it shows she has been working on her car since 6:00 a.m.


    Summary of Present Verb Tenses

    here's a full summary of the uses that we have reviewed today simple present of course it can look like this a habit or it can be something in the future present progressive can be a one-time thing right now or it can be these days or it can also be in the future
