
    When You Change Your Voice... You Change Your Personality.

    The Power of Voice

    your voice is your personality what a statement I remember when I first heard this I was like say what that doesn't even make sense but I mean let's think about it for a moment


    Forming Judgments

    how do you think people form judgments about you and your personality people often think it's just about the content of the communication however it's often all in the subtle things you do with your body language like how you shake your hand how you move your facial expressions and how you use your voice


    The Importance of Vocal Image

    people are often aware that their voice has an image it's too easy to focus just on what we wear the watch the hair the pants Etc but because when it comes to your voice the vocal image is invisible people pay no attention to it people don't work on it and they don't realize that by missing out on the vocal image you're missing out on 50% of the puzzle when it comes to your personality


    Vocal Image and Personality

    I've got a question for you what does your vocal image say about your personality are you aware of this
