
    Aamer Rahman (Fear of a Brown Planet) - Reverse Racism

    People who don't like his comedy

    a lot of people don't like my comedy a (1.8) lot of white people don't like my comedy


    Self-reflection and defense

    I'm here hey get on stage you make your (9.78) jokes about white people you say white (11.94) people this white people that


    Racism and reverse racism

    what if I did something like that huh (16.619) what if I got on stage and I said yeah (18.779) black people are like this (21.119) Muslims are like that (23.279) you'd probably call me a racist wouldn't (25.32) you


    The concept of Reverse Racism

    what if I got on stage and I said yeah (18.779) black people are like this (21.119) Muslims are like that (23.279) you'd probably call me a racist wouldn't (25.32) you


    Defining Reverse Racism

    don't you think that's a kind of racism (44.28) don't you think that's (48.2) reverse races (51.32) said no I don't think that's Reverse Racism


    Reversing the colonial past

    I could be a reverse racist if I (71.7) wanted to uh all I would need would be a (74.22) uh time machine right and what I do is I (77.939) get in my time machine I go back in time (80.64) to before Europe colonizes the world
