Use the let them Theory to detach yourself from the emotional or mental struggle that you can get yourself into when you're thinking about either what other people are doing or how things should be going.
Let people do what they need to do, and stop trying to control or fix every situation.
Not everything in life can be controlled, and sometimes it's best to let things unfold as they may.
Sometimes, people need to fail in order to learn and grow.
The Let Them Theory is a simple yet powerful concept that allows you to let go of your need to control and manipulate others. It's about recognizing that you can't change other people and that your attempts to do so are often driven by a desire to feel more secure and loved.
We often try to control others because we're afraid of losing them or because we want to make sure they're happy and fulfilled. But this attempt to control can actually lead to feelings of resentment and frustration.
So how can you apply the Let Them Theory in your own life? One way is to ask yourself whose business it is and whether you're really responsible for someone else's happiness.
When we're in a relationship, we often get caught up in an emotional tug-of-war, trying to get the other person to see things our way. But this emotional manipulation can lead to feelings of resentment and frustration.
when you feel yourself getting all ramped up with the emotions and the gripping and the control and the opinions, hands off, drop the oars, let them do what they're gonna do and you focus on what you're gonna do because what you're going to do is you're gonna stop the control, you're gonna stop the rumination and you my friend are going to just drift back down with the current and feel that emotional peace that washes over you
I believe in your ability to create a life that you love and every single day I'm becoming more and more and more convinced that there is so much power in learning how to let go in prioritizing emotional peace Over control