
    How to learn any language in six months | Chris Lonsdale | TEDxLingnanUniversity

    The Four Words

    The first principle for learning a language is focus on language content that is relevant to you. This is because attention, meaning, relevance, and memory are interconnected and especially important when it comes to learning.


    Using Language as a Tool

    The second principle is to use your language as a tool to communicate right from day one, as a kid does. If you're not using the language to communicate, you're not going to learn it.


    Comprehensible Input

    When you first understand the message, then you will acquire the language unconsciously. This is really, really well documented now, it's something called comprehensible input.


    Language as a Creative Process

    Language is a creative process. What do babies do? OK, 'me', 'bath', 'now'. OK, that's how they communicate. So start mixing, get creative, have fun with it, it doesn't have to be perfect, just has to work.


    The Language Parent

    If you look at how children and parents interact, you'll understand what this means. When a child is speaking, it'll be using simple words, simple combinations, sometimes quite strange, sometimes very strange pronunciation, other people from outside the family don't understand it.


    Connecting new sounds to internal representation

    at just connecting the new sounds (1073.668) to those images that you already have, into that internal representation. (1078.798) And over time you even become naturally good at that process, (1081.76) that becomes unconscious. (1083.582)


    Five principles and seven actions to improve language learning

    So, there are five principles that you need to work with, seven actions, (1088.374) if you do any of them, you're going to improve. (1090.937)


    Control over language learning

    And remember these are things under your control as the learner. (1094.021)


    Fluent language learning in six months

    Do them all and you're going to be fluent in a second language in six months. (1097.963)
