Benjamin says that the aura is the Here and Now of the work of art. It's the work of Art's presence in time and space. It revolves to the unique existence of the work of art.
Benjamin says that the decay of the aura for Benyamin relies on two circumstances: the first is the desire of the masses in contemporary Society to bring things closer spatially and humanly. He says so to overcome that perception of a distance that we have with the Ora.
Benjamin says that exhibition value reaches its apotheosis in photography and film, he says they're the most serviceable exemplifications of this new function.
Benjamin says the film actor is unique in the sense that they are operating with their whole living person right they're putting their body their voice all of their uh capacities for expressivity into their acting.
Benjamin says the distraction that Benyamin is talking about is kind of nothing compared to what we're experiencing today but benyamine thinks that reception in a state of distraction is increasingly not noticeable in all fields of art but that it finds in the film its true means of exercise.
Benjamin says that the response that he thinks is the most just response is to politicize Art.