
    Allan Dib Reveals How To Create A 1-Page Marketing Plan

    The Awesomeness Gap

    So there's this is what I call an awesomeness gap. I was speaking at an event last week and we ran a bit of a messaging workshop and so I pulled up the Google reviews of a few different companies that were at that workshop and the Google reviews were glowing.


    Social Proof

    So a lot of us feel like Hey we're better than our competitor for the this that that reason or whatever but we're not communicating that in an effective way that really cuts through and resonates with your target market. Love it and so so technically if we were to go down the level so that's kind of the outcome we want


    Cornerstone Content

    It's something that you're famous for within your target market so to use myself as an example, I'm famous for the one-page marketing plan canvas and of course books


    Marketing Implementation

    Number one is leverage, like remember we talked about before 80 20 what are the things that are going to get me an outsized result meaning I put in a certain amount of input meaning time money effort and I get more back



    Next is do you have Assets in place so we talked about a Cornerstone style of asset but there are other marketing assets so when we the reason assets are important is because income comes from assets



    Really get that compound interest working from from a marketing perspective so in


    Marketing is Amplification

    Another way I would Define marketing is getting your ideal customer or Prospect to know you like you trust you enough to do business with you... Marketing is amplification right so how do we amplify our message?


    Focus on High-Impact Marketing Activities

    I work on high-impact marketing activities so a lot of times it's figuring out okay let's do less stuff now when we figured out what the 80 20 is then absolutely we absolutely crank up the volume and get better and better at it


    Social Proof through Client Testimonials

    I think one of the best ways and one of the most underutilized ways is to just get a lot of client testimonials so a lot of times we we have a little strategy called a wall of love and that can be a digital wall where literally on your website you have a page called testimonials or reviews or or whatever


    Proof and Statistics

    And so tactically and maybe you can help me with this is and I'm just talking from my point of view the way we do that is we try and get stats of average successes from our clients and so we can say typically if you're an average client and you do what we ask you to do you're going to get 82 of your negotiations across the line


    Power of Compounding

    So when you do the daily weekly monthly you're going to get a lot of great results lovely so Alan you're a book to one page marketing plan I think if you're a listener you can get it on your your homepage also just on Amazon


    New Book

    I know it's not out just yet and I won't reveal the title just yet because we haven't fully settled on it but it's basically Marketing in augmentation so the first book is very much around strategy around planning so let's get our plan together let's get our plan right kind of you know if we're building a house or any kind of building


    Second Book on Implementation

    so the second book is very much around implementation how do we take that plan and really implement it so and the three parts of the book are literally tools assets and processes so how do we get the right Tools in place how do we build the right assets and how do we put those processes together so that's really what it's about


    Conquering Your Contract

    I hope you enjoyed that if you want more of the same please click here to have another cool video and we've also got a full contract negotiation training course it's six weeks everything you need to do to negotiate your own contract it's a playlist click on it go through all the training and it'll make you way way better and allow you to sign way less riskier contracts
