freedom kindness progress and equality all come from that and then more specifically you have kind of a chapter on all of these um yeah okay so equality compassion consent Enlightenment science Freedom progress MH all all Christian ideas in the in the ways that we have come to understand these ideas in the West in the year 2025 that they are um this is the air that we breathe
and and I I pull on that thread or I pull on the threat about compassion you know so compassion is this this belief that a society should be judged by the way it treats its weakest members
compassion is this this belief that a society should be judged by the way it treats its weakest members and we just like and we all go yeah sure that's that's how everybody thinks no that's not how everybody thinks
you know the idea that you can trace it all the way back to Gregory of Nissa like in the fourth Century right right in his commentary right talking about how slavery is wrong
yeah he conceded that specific point that compassion right for the least of these for for poor serving the poor for the sake of serving the poor because they created image of God that that is a Christian concept
what I what I'd like to say to people like that is that the sexual revolution of the 1960s was really the reverse of the first sexual Revolution which is which happened 19 00 years before The Swinging 60s
the 1960 sexual re Revolution which we've been taught to think is the really liberating thing is you know instead of men being as constrained as women it's basically saying through you know contraception and through easy access to abortion you know women are to be as liberated as men as men have always been
kids need their father but especially boys need their father and to just be like because I'm potent and I'm a man's man and I'm a high value man therefore I don't have to be present is complete ridiculous Foolery
the Christian marriage and sex uh kind of kind of program and so yeah I think and that's I think that's where they I've seen arguments made against polygamy because if polygamy is the system then that means most powerful men are going to have all the women and so then you'll have a natural uh underclass of men that will likely rise up and be upset that they they they can't have a family and be married
I thought I did okay I thought I did quite well um but then then the debate came out and all his audience sort of came into the comment section
I don't think I've seen a debate do as much spiritual good as that debate did I don't think I've seen a debate do as much spiritual good and also Elevate someone's profile like that
I was like this is and and and Wes is such a cool guy and he does not play into that celebrity thing in the slightest cuz I think that's how you combat celebrity and like people who are now like oh my gosh you're so and so is it you just humanize them like you start talking about them and you lean into the conversation and he he's such a guy but it was so wild to see that like in person
Faith happens in the community of people in which you kind of you surrender yourself to something that is larger than you
Apologetics has always been this thing that strengthens the faith of Believers and actually it's kind of on the inside of the church
Love your neighbor as yourself um it kind of finishes off that chapter by by talking about well remember you were you were aliens in in Egypt and so what I want you to do is when I say love your neighbor I don't just mean love people who look like you
One of the problems I think if you just do an America first thing is that um who's going to challenge you to love those Beyond this concentric Circle
The Good Samaritan is someone who shows gut-wrenching compassion for those in need, and this is a characteristic of Jesus. The story of the Good Samaritan is about a man who was beaten and left by the side of the road, and a Samaritan who showed him mercy and took care of him. This story is a reflection of Jesus' own actions, who poured out his blood and spirit for humanity.
Caring for the least of these is a fundamental aspect of Christianity, and it is a commandment given by Jesus. This includes caring for the poor, the widows, and the orphans. The parable of the talents is also related to this, as it talks about using one's resources to care for others.
The role of the state in caring for the poor is a topic of debate among Christians. Some argue that the state should take care of the poor, while others argue that it is the responsibility of the church and individual Christians. The story of the Good Samaritan suggests that individuals have a responsibility to care for those in need.
Hospitality and stewardship are related concepts in Christianity. Hospitality involves showing love and care to those in need, while stewardship involves managing one's resources in a way that honors God. The parable of the Good Samaritan is an example of hospitality, and the parable of the talents is an example of stewardship.
There is a tension between God's sovereignty and human responsibility in Christianity. On one hand, God is sovereign and in control of all things, but on the other hand, humans have a responsibility to make choices and act in accordance with God's will. The story of the Good Samaritan and the parable of the talents illustrate this tension.
The Armenian side of things the universal side of things are basically attempts to square this circle there basically attempts to take two of these truths and not all three
and and again it goes back to what I said earlier was like that paradoxical tension right that we have to wrestle with and and I'm okay with living in that tension
so for the last go 15 years I've been kind of explaining the gospel in terms of 32 and one and it's basically life according to Jesus
the threeness of God is that he is the son filled with the spirit bringing you to the father so Trinity
the tuness of the world is that the world is split between the way it's meant to be as is represented in Jesus and the world as it is that's represented by Adam
and so the oneness of you and so 32 And1 these ways I've been explaining the gospel for 15 years