
    How to Build An MVP | Startup School

    MVP: Speed and Iteration Over Perfection

    Launch something quickly and iterate to learn whether it helps the customers, improving it over time. Avoid getting preoccupied with surveys, interviews, and other distractions that delay the product launch.


    Iterate Based on Real User Feedback

    An MVP is likely not going to work flawlessly, but it's the best way to start conversations with users to truly understand and address their problems.


    Misconceptions About Starting Small

    Starting with a small MVP is beneficial. There's a false belief that a small, imperfect beginning is disadvantageous, leading to missed chances with customers.


    Early Adopters and the MVP

    Early adopters are more forgiving of imperfections. They are interested in startups because they have a pressing problem and are open to new solutions.


    Avoiding False Assumptions About Product Development

    Contrary to the belief that envisioning perfect products requires no iterations, even Steve Jobs' products like the iPhone and iPod underwent significant changes after launch.


    Learning from Successful MVP Examples

    Successful products like Airbnb, Twitch, and Stripe started with fast-to-build MVPs with limited functionality targeting a small user base, proving that starting small can lead to success.


    Target Desperate Customers

    For initial users of your MVP, target those who have urgent or significant problems—customers with 'hair on fire'—who are willing to overlook imperfections to solve their pressing issues.


    How to Approach Building an MVP

    Set specific deadlines, write down your specifications, drastically cut features that aren't essential for the desperate customer, and don't fall in love with your MVP—it's going to change.


    Engagement Promise

    Promise to engage in a conversation to work collaboratively.


    Support and Problem-Solving

    Pledge to assist others in addressing their challenges.


    Product Development Assistance

    Commitment to contribute to the development of a superior product.


    Closing Gratitude

    Expresses gratitude and wishes luck.
