In the original Red Dead Revolver for PS2 you play as a cowboy named red who has to fight a evil gang of clowns and when you shoot them in the nose their clown nose goes
The moral of Red Dead Redemption is that you can trust a literal snake oil salesman and a schizophrenic grave robber more than the United States government
The characters in this are so good man how long You' been with us now five 6 months something like that
I think the best way to approach this game is to really take your time in between missions go out and explore talk to the characters in your Camp try to stop Dutch getting all of you killed
The ambient animal sounds it sounds like there's 20 birds in these trees and I don't even think the birds in this game can land in trees
The story that we see in Red Dead 2 is Thea and dissolution of Dutch's gang but there's another story that we only hear from its characters and that's the rise of Dutch The Glory Days
With a lot of open World Games the payoff for exploration is that you you know that you get to like a side quest item you know or a power up but in Red Dead 2 you usually find nothing
Arthur Morgan is a very charismatic witty character with an unyielding loyalty to his gang that makes him even more likable
y slick for this game thank you
Arthur I don't know how to say it thank you I understand
come on do as Dutch says go be with your family