
    Vary your pitch

    The Ability to Recite a Page from a Book

    who here has a book that they've read more than 10 times if I asked you to recite for me just one page from the book that you've just raised your hand for could you recite the one page for me yes or no


    The Ability to Recite a Song

    how many of you in this room have a song that you absolutely love and you sing all the time raise your hands okay how many of you in this room could recite the song word for word


    Why Songs are More Memorable than Books

    a song has roughly 280 words a page in a book has roughly 280 words why is it we can recite a song but not a page in the book


    The Importance of Varying Pitch

    when you vary your pitch you make your message more sticky you make what you say more memorable and more engaging
