
    Let’s have a serious talk on Wing Chun breathing and what is internal. (Watch with 1.5x )

    Breathing and attitude

    Breathing have two modes in the Wing Chun, 1850, have two modes, one mode is the natural breathing mode natural breathing modes is actually when you inhale your diaphragm and your pivot floor muscle synchronized when you inhale it going downward like that when you exhale it come back okay so is synchronized your diaphragm and your pivot floor muscle synchronized okay when it is inhale exhale so again when you inhale it is uh your your diaphragm going downward your uh pivot for muscle here is uh losing downward okay going downward so it's like this follow up they all synchronized up and down that is the natural breathing mode


    Pure natural breathing

    The first type of breathing training is pure natural breathing this is the state where your diaphragm and your pivot floor muscle are synchronized you do not manipulate anything let the body do its job you just relax and quiet down your body and let everybody everything uh naturally run by itself and that's how you be able to nurture your Chi your energy if you do that after a while your breathing naturally after a while you will uh like charging your body your energy like your Chi will actually grow okay so


    Two movement one breath

    The second type of breathing is two movement one breath breathing two movement one breath breathing now this true movement one breath breathing is still based on based on the pure natural breathing but because now you have movement your body movement it is going to influence your pure natural breathing to become not as pure anymore okay the more you use your strength your breathing even though it is based on the name natural uh pure natural breathing is going to divert away okay to be more uh become uh depleting okay so you need to know the base is the pure natural breathing then when you do a two uh two movement one breath type of breathing you are going to have the circulations of the body body but you're going to deplete your energy okay


    Breathing Patterns in Wing Chun

    There are four types of breathing in Wing Chun. The first is pure natural breathing, which is the most important. The second is one breath, two motion. The third is inhale, multiple exhale. The fourth is holding breathing.


    Scientific Verification

    Today, we have modern science and Sport Science, physics, and medicine. We can test and verify the effectiveness of our training methods.


    Seven Core Elements

    The seven core elements in Wing Chun are the key to understanding the art. They are Mind, Body, Breathing, Energy Flow, Force Flow, Momentum, and Intraabdominal Pressure Handling.


    Fudging in Wing Chun

    Fudging is the art of using your opponent's force against them. There are two types of fudging: using the opponent's force and ignoring it.
